
02 January 2011

Hello to 2011

Hello Internet!  Happy 2011 :) 

New year…new spirit….new resolutions!  I have been very slackened in up dating  this blog.  Not a very productive blogger at all! My last posting was back in June 2010.  Yes, I know….I’ve been very lazy and been caught up with lots things that required my full energy and time and left me no desire to write.  All of those plus for some reason I seemed can’t write anymore.  My mind was numb, my brain was kaput, often I just stared on a blank monitor in front of me.   I couldn’t put my feelings into words, let alone an interesting subject.

But….as I said above, with the new resolution I promise myself to spare more time on this and I even changed the site a bit.  Well, the latter is because I’m bored with the old layout and there were bit here and there that I don’t really like on the design.  I like it clean and simple :)

Anyway, 2010 sucked.  I’m not sad to say good-bye to 2010.  I had some bad luck in the past year.  I won’t go into detail but I was a mess, depressed, went through hell, treated unfair, broke up with, back stabbed…..the list goes on and on.  So yeah I am not sad to see 2010 fade into memory.

Although it’s not to say there were not some positive things in the past year.  But these positive things were the result of my perseverance and will.  I developed friendship that I didn’t think it will work.  I managed to juggle work, my family and house chores.  And the most important thing that my children are healthy, my husband and I are healthy and we still have a roof to sleep at night.  So, there is always a little light.  Year 2010 taught me a lot of things about life, people, friendship, relationship, and religion.

January is the blank piece of paper month.  I’m excited about this year.  It’s a year of fresh starts and new beginnings. This year feels full of promise.  I have no real resolutions this year, except for this blog. But I want to be around for my children as much as possible.  They are growing up so fast and I am going to try to catch as much of that before it’s gone.  I want to travel more ( if possible ).  I want to eat less sugar, and get up earlier and that’s (so far) it.

What are you hoping that 2011 will bring you?